Saturday, August 28, 2010

Small Businesses Need Green to Go Green

This week, the main news items tell us that our economy is flat and not growing. Jobless rate is the highest and the cost of money is lowest. So why are people not making investment in their infrastructure? The banks are not lending while Federal Government considers putting 30 billion in the hands of small businesses through small local banks. Great concept if one can make it simple and easy to implement.Only time will tell how this plan unfolds.
Creating jobs in green infrastructure retrofits is the best way to help small businesses. They can achieve long term financial gain by investing in efficient conservation or renewable energy generation systems. Making their building or plant a "Net Zero" facility is possible if we allow the projects to be financed over life cycle. The can payback the loan from the savings and enjoy the low energy forever, while gaining independence from conventional energy source.
The key is providing low cost money paid over 5-10 years, secured by their property and the equipment installed to save or generate energy.Hope the Leaders in our Federal and State Governments will take advantage of this strong economic development tool. We send Billions to fight wars or natural disasters. It is time we invest in America and do the right thing.

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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Zero! What it means for Sustainability and Green?

I wonder what people are thinking of doing as they watch the Warmest ever temperatures cause the worst flooding in Midwestern USA, Pakistan and China? Hope we realize that from climate point of view the world communities are connected and warmer water temperatures are able to deliver our worst nightmares to any location.

It is hard to control Mother Nature, but it is certainly possible to control how we live, and what emissions we put in to the environment. The issue is not why the current climate change has happened? The challenge is - what should we do NOW to help deal with it? It is likely to get worse in next 20- 50 years, so what we do NOW does matter. ZERO is now mentioned in the Green related conversations. For example - "Net Zero" homes is an idea goal for home builders. "Net- Zero" communities are the ideal goals for Municipalities and Communities. Energy Dependence on oil has resulted in spills such as BP leak in Gulf, Chinese spill.Thousands of acres of natural beauty has been altered by the Natural Gas Drilling in shale fracturing operations. Our appetite for such fuels can be shifted to smarter sources of energy if we want to take a prevention approach and learn to Live with Nature.

Zero would be a great Goal for ending the dependence on Petroleum based fuels.True Energy Independence requires change in our old habits and some sacrifices as our investment. It is lot cheaper to invest in new alternative technologies as compared to funding the costs after the extreme weather events in the future.

Managing the storm water flows and allowing more infiltration into ground is essential for all built up cities and more rain gardens are needed to reduce the runoffs from the communities to the streams and rivers. Zero discharge for rainwater could be a goal for homes as they use rain barrels and recycle the rain water. Businesses could have a Zero discharge by storing the rainwater on site for recycle and reuse.

When it comes to environmental protection and saving money - ZERO is a great Goal to strive for. In summary - ZERO is a Green Dream that can deliver GOLD!
What are we waiting for?

Friday, August 13, 2010

Watch GASLAND and resolve to protect our beautiful country

In my last blog , I incorrectly named the documentary. It is GAS LAND and not Gas Town.
The message is simple, that we the people have choices. Some forms of traditional non-renewable natural resources have negative consequences. The Energy producers using these raw materials have lots of money and want to do the same. We the people have the choice to use them or not. Energy Independence goal is our personal choice and living in Free country is the privilege we have. Take control of our own destiny and say no to options that pollute the environment. This Green approach is certainly an opportunity for the Oil & Gas companies to invest their money and make more money as a business. Let the oil and gas drillers become the solar panel installers or operating the bio gas generation plants taking animal waste to convert to green renewable energy. What will happen is driven by Consumers. Are we ready to maintain our homes and businesses operating on FREE natural resources? Sun, Wind, Water and Land are available to everyone. Why continue the path of drill and destroy our beautiful Land? Choice is ours. Listen to your conscience and then act.
Green is Gold!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Natural gas drilling causes an environmental cost which can be avoided

I saw a documentary today - the title was "Gas Town". What a sad story to watch but the message was simple. We are sacrificing nature in the name of created necessity to depend on oil or natural gas. The supporter say that we need it to use American sourced product and not import oil. This is better, it helps local economy and create jobs. Smart people can see the greed behind these words.

The natural beauty of our country is too precious to sacrifice as we see what they have done with coal mines and gas drilling in shale formations. What amazes us is that conservation, Wind, Solar, water and land based green solutions are not promoted. Today the technology exists to retrofit homes for day lighting, use solar to make electricity, use geothermal heat pump system to heat and air condition the building, provide natural ventilation and harvest rain water. All of these natural resources are around us and FREE. Long term financing can help enhance the value of energy efficient homes while reducing the monthly utility cost. The dream of net zero homes is achievable with tax incentives and long term financing.
Green is Gold. Take advantage of it and say good bye to oil or natural gas.

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Thursday, August 05, 2010

Climate Change - Watch or Act?

Warmest day in America is what the TV news says today. Some part of Texas today experiencing 113 F. Unfortunately, in northern Pakistan people are hungry and watching their Villages washed away by a Flood that has never been seen before. These are examples of extreme climate events.

Are we helpless and will we keep watching such events occur more frequently and get worse?

Meanwhile, the Government and Utilities look for ways to meet power demand and wish that we find an alternative that does not depend on combustion of carbon based fuels. Economically we hope and pray that cost of energy are controlled and ignore that many of our buildings waste energy.

Taking a passive approach is negative and bad for our society. On the other hand, the Green initiatives give us hope and save us energy and money. What we need is the change in our financial institution policies that allow long term payment options. There is wisdom in building green power system paid over 15 to 20 years time frame. It can stabilize power costs and reduce CO2 emissions. These are the benefits of taking action and nation building process.
What are we waiting for?
Let us act now before it is too late.