Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Dairy farm of the future will transform rural communities

It was so encouraging to visit Spruce Haven Farm in Cayuga County NY and learn latest innovation in dairy technologies.  They are working with Cornell University, NY State, Federal and International companies in developing new agricultural practices to help fight Global warming and reduce green house gas emissions.

Spruce Haven farm is located in the Town of Fleming within Finger lakes, NY region. It offers the visitors great natural beauty and is the home for many Wineries. Its location  between Cayuga Lake and Owasco Lake is part of the watershed that drains into the lakes. Many dairy farms exist in this area and all of these businesses are looking to be a better neighbor and protect their local natural resources.

Unfortunately, algal growth is now affecting the recreational value of these lakes and pointing out the need to stop the discharge of nutrients such as Nitrogen and Phosphorous. Treatment of Manure from Dairies is a priority for protecting our water resources. Anaerobic digesters offer the technology for generating bio-gas energy as byproduct while providing treated effluent to apply on farm land to grow feed for the cows. News products such as natural organic fertilizer etc. can be made while controlling the feed to the cows to generate higher value milk to increase revenues for the Dairies.

I was happy to see that these farms now are looking to be the economic engine to drive local economy. They are striving for Happiness for everyone.

 Better days are ahead!

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