Thursday, March 15, 2012

Biofuel is a better choice for excess biogas at Farms

The auto fuel cost is reaching new highs just like our hot weather sets new records.
At the same time natural gas prices are subject to surplus supply and keeping it low.
The sustainable green solution for the dairy farms is to build the digesters and process their manure and some imported food processing waste.This concept will generate more biogas and result in larger power generation potential. Once the amount of power produced equals the usage at farm, they are energy independent. It is not economically attractive to make excess power.This scenario offers perfect opportunity to compress the excess gas and convert it to bio-CNG for vehicle fuel which offers better returns. Unfortunately this option requires large capital expense, so many smaller farms need to combine their excess gas for centralized cleaning and biofuel production. County Governments can play a key role in this area by providing low cost long term loans to help in construction. All of their public works vehicle would benefit with low cost fuel after conversion to CNG fuel.
DOE can and should help implement this option in all counties that have large number of dairy farms.
This is the time for our Federal and State Governments to take the lead and help utilize this great opportunity for dairy waste to be converted to biofuel.

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Thursday, March 08, 2012

Nature Gifts are for us to become Energy Independent

It was nice to meet a young public works official for a small Village that has enthusiastically embraced the idea of Green. It is easier for the next generation to understand how our financial problems need ways to reduce costs and energy plays an important role. This superintendent of public works brought in maps to show old dump sites as potential for solar power installation and suggested the water tanks on the highest point for a wind mill. As we talked about micro hydro power he took us to a Village park site where three sluice gate sites already exist and may be converted to small micro hydro power generation sites.

Here are three examples of using nature's free gifts to make green power and this Village can now plan to create this power, when some financial incentives are available from the State or Federal programs.

Sustainable green planning is key to look around and find locations within the community that can help us receive the gifts of nature and help us achieve energy independence. Are you aware of what your gifts are in your community?

Go for it!


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