Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Sun Powered Sustainable Green Communities

What would happen if a Town could claim to be 100% /green energy producer for their own Town facilities?
This is exactly what the Town of Williamson hopes to achieve before July 4th 2014.
This Town  in Wayne County NY has partnered with a Solar Developer and signed a Power Purchase Agreement in September to buy power generated by Solar PV system to be installed at the Old closed landfill.
Next year in summer of 2014 they expect this solar system to produce enough electricity to be equal to their total Town facility consumption per year. This will set them free from future increases in power cost and produce low cost power for next 40 years.
So how much capital cost the Town will pay for this project?
This is only possible because the State Incentives and Federal tax credits make the investment by third party very attractive and a power consumer can reap the benefit by simply agreeing to buy power from the private party,
If you are a New York State community and want to be energy independent- what are you waiting for?

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