Thursday, November 10, 2011

Green Partnerships between Public Private sector makes winners

Is solar power good for people living in cold climate such as Rochester NY?
While we get snow and have long winters, the silicon chips like it and make more power. In hot climate like Texas they work less efficient. So it is merely a question of cost and use of available tax credits to make it worthwhile in our climate. Who is taking advantage of the current incentives?

A Buffalo based Solar PV installer has come up with a creative 15 years lease solution for non profit organizations. Their plan offers a 15 years lease where they install a 25KW system worth $100,000 at no upfront cost to non profit organization. The non profit will just pay a monthly fee of $100.00, while using the green power produced on site with value of over $200 per month.

Therefore, the facility saves over $100 per month right from the beginning with no capital investment required upfront. Great example of Win-Win. Public non profit gets 25KW PV system and energy savings for long term. Private company gets tax credits and grant incentives to cover their risk and creates new business for them. This program is only available until end of this year. Let us hope the federal Govt extends the tax credit program so many organizations can take advanatge of such partnerships.

We need more Green power generation supported by incentives. It is worth it for a sustainable future.


At 4:39 AM, Blogger Jessica Morgan said...

Very nice blog keep up the good work. I love finding a place with some quality information.


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