Helping Businesses get their energy tax money back
If we ever look at the details on the invoices for energy costs, many charges appear and companies simply pay the bills and not realize what it all means. Green Communities are now looking for first saving energy in their own facility and then make an effort to inform the tax payers so they can do the same. It would help the large employers if the Community made contacts with Power companies and other state agencies and provide their grants information to local businesses. We are calling it grant or incentive but in reality it is their money coming back to them. Here is a real example- A company in North country New York State pays over $750,000 in electric and gas costs per year. I noticed their February 2010 invoice and saw a systems benefit charge(SBC) of $8500. Vow this is almost $100,000 per year in taxes meant for energy conservation. If they have paid this over last 10 years than their contribution would be around 1 Million dollars. It is their money and they are entitled to get it back as energy incentive to make plant retrofits to save energy. The community leaders should get involved and help the businesses improve their bottom line to preserve jobs and help in economic development. This is how you can sustain the community.
Labels: coservation, Energy Independence, Smart Green Investments in communities