Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Election Results to Wake up Government Leaders

The elections are over today and voters have shown their concerns through their vote that economy and jobs are critical issues. America has always led the world and it is time we stop the downhill slide created by weak economy and weak dollar.

The solutions to these issues require innovation and new technology that the World can use to solve our common problems- Energy, Climate Change and Water management.

We have confidence in our ability to come up with new solutions. Wind energy and Solar PV technology was invented in USA and we have many smart brains and the freedom to invent many new solutions for the future.

The next generation must get involved and help us find solutions that create local jobs and protect the environment. Government must be ready to help make loans and investments to small businesses to develop new technologies. Old infrastructure in our communities must be replaced with more efficient technology that reduces energy demands and help conserve our resources. Let us hope that our Leaders will come together from all parties and think of the people who elected them and the Country we have an obligation to serve.
Good Luck!


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