Saturday, October 08, 2005

Sustainable Schools

We are working with a New York based college in adopting a comprehensive sustainable green design policy for the campus. The main objective is to get the students and teachers get involved with modifying the facilities to achieve conservation of water and energy and promote the use of renewable energy.
Is any one doing something similar in USA?


At 11:44 PM, Blogger ram shrivastava said...

The small communities need development and economic growth to survive. Many corporate site selectors are now looking for quality of life issues and labor friendly areas. Under these conditions, it becomes essential to adopt green development policies and involve the community to build the necessary infrastructure to improve the communities. Imagine sidewalks to connect residential areas to parks and place of work. Why need a car to get to work or shop? people will enjoy healthy living environment and freedom for depending on oil based transportation.
It is being done in some places and more communities need to do the same.


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